AUGUST 25, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Chair Joseph Story at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Audrey Keller, Vincent Russo, Geoffrey Walker and Town Administrator Charles Kostro were present.
Kostro opened with a brief explanation of the functions of the new format for the agenda. He suggested starting the meetings at 7:05 p.m. to allow the adjacent offices time to close for the evening. The agenda was shown on a screen at the front of the meeting room for all to view and the doors at the rear were closed to shut out conversations in the hall. A policy for the preparation of the agenda was discussed and Selectman Russo moved to accept the new format and policy as presented, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.
There were no Board or Committee reports, no Citizens Concerns and no Public Hearings.
Town Administrator, Charles Kostro, updated the Board on the Elm Street paving project which he advised would be starting later this week with a few adjustments to the scope of the project. Bids were opened for the Newman Road Salt Marsh Restoration project with thirteen companies submitting bids. The apparent low bidder was Unified Contracting of Melrose with a bid of $421,110.00, second was Kodiak Corp. of Lawrence with a bid of $435,880.00 and third was DeFelice Corp. of Dracut with a bid of $449,487.30. After review of the documents a contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. A new phone system has been installed at Town Hall thanks to Lt. John Lucey. The new system is user friendly and should save the Town approximately $3K a
year. Kostro, after meeting with Town Counsel and the Personnel Board regarding contract language for the Patrolmen’s Association, recommended the Town continue to pay officers their Quinn Bill allotment for FY10 as the appropriation is in our budget. The State has not funded this 50/50 program in their FY10 budget to date. Collective bargaining negotiations will begin later this year for FY11 and the feeling was we should stay the course for the present time. Jen Brown, Library Director, has agreed to work on communication strategies and making our government more accessible to the public. She will draft a report in October/November for the Board’s review and input. Sam Joslin is our point person for a proposed “Adopt-A-Site” program and will have recommendations for sites, rules and an implementation plan later in September. Kostro
noted he would like to begin the FY11 budget process with a meeting of the BOS and FinCom at the end of September to review the FY10 revenue estimates for the recap and preliminary estimates for FY11. Selectman Keller suggested inviting a member of the School Committee to this meeting. On the recommendation of the Town Administrator it was moved by Selectman Walker to hold a fall Special Town Meeting on October 27th, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously. The warrant will open Thursday, September 10 and be closed to petition articles on Thursday, September 24th.
Jonathan Markey of Meridian Associates spoke on wind turbines. Mr. Markey is the manager of the Ipswich project. Ipswich is funding their turbine through grants and low/no interest bonds in the amount of 1.6 million dollars. He advised that Newbury would qualify for money from the Renewable Energy Trust and for municipalities there are no matching funds required. An initial application fee of $2,500 would be needed to get a project started. He explained “net metering” (a big change which came from the Green Communities Act for Renewable Energy last year), grant eligibility, site assessments and sizing of turbines. It was recommended he meet with our Alternative Energy Committee and Town Planner Martha Taylor
will arrange a date. Mr. Markey was thanked for his time and input.
Dick Cunningham spoke on Newbury’s Burial Grounds and the upkeep of same. He noted he was especially concerned about 1st Settlers Burial Ground and who would keep it up when he was gone. Also of concern was a section of 1st Parish Burial Ground, which appears according to deeds recorded in Salem, to belong to a Newbury Cemetery Association established in 1895 and the last lot having been sold around 1952. This small section is in poor condition and Dick is trying to maintain it. Newbury Neck Cemetery is also unmanaged and in poor condition, Dick reported. The owner of Newbury Neck is unknown but four families have used it in recent years. Dick said he would like to see the families get together and
resolve the issue on upkeep/perpetual care. It was suggested help for clean ups might be requested through the County Sheriff’s office or use of community service participants. Selectman Walker suggested one might also be an Eagle Scout project. Chairman Story will check with Selectman Bulgaris to see if he can secure a list of community service people. Dick noted that a long range plan is needed and an association of lot owners seems to be the best for this area. He suggested perhaps 1st Parish could establish and sell 3’x3’ cremation lots to raise maintenance funds. Chairman Story advised that more research is needed on ownership and this should be discussed again at a future meeting when there is more information available. Dick invited all to take a tour with him to see the sites first hand.
Riverfront Marine’s request for a response to their letter of April 6th was addressed. Answers to issues posed in this letter were submitted in a letter from the Harbormaster to the Selectmen and a copy of same was given to the Riverfront attendees for their review and comment if any. It was noted by Chairman Story that the establishment of a task force to draft policies for the Harbormaster’s department would take place the first of the year and this was discussed at the Selectmen’s June meeting. The mission statement and size of the task force would be decided at a meeting prior to January. The Riverfront attendees were given time to review Brendan’s letter in the front hallway while the meeting was
Based on an approval by Sam Joslin along with the pertinent zoning bylaws the Noyes home occupation license for an auto service business at 1 Noyes Lane was approved on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted unanimously.
A request for a commercial clamming license citing a hardship by Kenneth Maguire of Fruit Street Byfield was discussed. The license was granted on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously, contingent on the receipt of a letter and signed application from the Fish Commissioners showing their approval.
A request from the 1st Parish Church for a raffle of a Prius was addressed. It was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously to approve the raffle and the Church’s participation in Newburyport’s Labor Day Festival. However, their request to park the vehicle on the sidewalk in front of the Church was denied due to public safety reasons. The Prius can be placed anywhere on the Church property as long as it does not impede the pedestrian walkway.
The minutes of the July 28th and August 11th meetings were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.
A letter of appreciation from the Newbury Library for the town’s participation in Vehicle Night at the library was acknowledged and filed on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.
A letter of appreciation from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for use of the Upper Green as a rest stop for their 150 mile cycling event was acknowledged and filed on a motion by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectmen Russo and voted unanimously.
The Tine news article was tabled to the next meeting.
The Riverfront attendees returned to the meeting hall and Atty. Jim Kilcourse, representing Riverfront Marine asked that they be placed on the next meeting agenda. After a heated discussion it was suggested that a meeting be scheduled with Riverfront, Atty. Kilcourse, Town Counsel, the Harbormaster and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro. Riverfront will be advised of the date when scheduled.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.